
A photographic ode to Cambridge and Boston

A photographic ode to Cambridge and Boston

A picture perspective on making a city home

July 3, 2024 | Simar K. M.

Sunsets over the Charles River have my heart ❤️ What is home for you?  Everyone has a different concept of home. For some people, a space enclosed by four walls in which they live is home, and for some it is a certain city or town. People like me who have traveled across the globe […]

Asking for help is not weakness

Asking for help is not weakness

Conquering classes after a year of industry

June 12, 2024 | Sneha K.

I don’t know if I can do this, I thought. Did I make a mistake? I was in just the second week of the chemical engineering PhD program and my eyes, worn by the glare of my laptop, were struggling to stay open against the sea of notes and colored pens scattered across my kitchen […]

Letters to a young engineer

Letters to a young engineer

My journey from school to industry, and back again

January 24, 2024 | Jacob T.

Well, you finally made it. A well-paying job at a world-renowned company, a 9-5 (ish) lifestyle, actually having weekends — weekends! — to spend on life rather than homework, all conveniently located in one of the best cities on Earth. It’s what your parents always hoped for you, what your professors always promised was just […]

Ode to Cambridgeport

Ode to Cambridgeport

Why Cambridgeport is the best neighborhood in the Greater Boston Area

September 20, 2023 | Lucas A.

I have lived in Cambridgeport for only a short two years, but as my time here draws to a close, it only feels right to eulogize this wonderful neighborhood.  For those who have not yet had the pleasure of visiting, Cambridgeport is MIT’s pentagonal neighbor to the Northwest. Cambridgeport is bounded by the Charles River […]

Survive? No, let’s thrive

Survive? No, let’s thrive

How I found balance at MIT

September 28, 2022 | Rose Y.

“You’re going to MIT? Pfft, have fun getting a social life – nobody has one there.” “I’ve heard that people only eat, sleep and work at MIT. Sometimes they have to choose two out of the three…” “Good luck surviving; you’re going to need it!” These were some of the responses I got when I […]