Office of Graduate Education -


Find forms for late Add/Drop/Change, general petitions, nonresident status, medical leave, childbirth accommodation, etc.

Get support

GradSupport provides one-on-one support for personal concerns including faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, and excused absences.

Financial assistance

Emergency funding, Grant for Grad Students with Children, Guaranteed Transitional Support, Long-Term Financial Hardship Funding, and more

Application fee waivers

Find eligibility requirements and instructions.

Now open: Graduate Student Experience Grants applications

In the Spotlight

Now open: Graduate Student Experience Grants applications

Have a creative idea for how to improve the graduate student experience at MIT? Apply for a Graduate Student Experience Grant by July 31! This grant is ideal for events starting in the Fall semester.

Apply by July 31

From the Blog

The First ‘Hello’: Bridging Worlds in a Symphony of Minds

Walking through the iconic corridors of MIT, I am constantly reminded of the sheer brilliance that surrounds me. Here, every corner seems to buzz with the promise of innovation and breakthrough. Yet, amidst this symphony of intellect, a silent beat throbs—the universal quest for connection. Since the day I received my offer letter, I had […]

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