Find forms for late Add/Drop/Change, general petitions, nonresident status, medical leave, childbirth accommodation, etc.
Get support
GradSupport provides one-on-one support for personal concerns including faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, and excused absences.
Financial assistance
Emergency funding, Grant for Grad Students with Children, Guaranteed Transitional Support, Long-Term Financial Hardship Funding, and more

News and Events
Graduate Fellowships — General Overview Webinar 1Fulbright Virtual Information SessionCreating a common languageSee all events, blogs, and news

In the Spotlight
Seeking pod leaders for the MIT Summer Research ProgramGraduate Students: Looking for a rewarding opportunity to mentor summer interns and earn money? Serve as a Pod Leader for the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)! MSRP inspires and cultivates the next generation of talented undergraduate scholars to pursue graduate education & research career paths.
Learn more about the program and apply by Friday, February 14, 2025.
From the Blog
The commuter’s crucibleTwo years ago, as I prepared to embark on my grad school journey, I devised a bold plan to live far off campus in order to save money. I chose to share a two-bedroom apartment in a town fifteen miles from MIT, fully aware that it would require more effort to get to campus and […]
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