Office of Graduate Education -


Find forms for late Add/Drop/Change, general petitions, nonresident status, medical leave, childbirth accommodation, etc.

Get support

GradSupport provides one-on-one support for personal concerns including faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, and excused absences.

Financial assistance

Emergency funding, Grant for Grad Students with Children, Guaranteed Transitional Support, Long-Term Financial Hardship Funding, and more

Application fee waivers

Find eligibility requirements and instructions.

Seeking pod leaders for the MIT Summer Research Program

In the Spotlight

Seeking pod leaders for the MIT Summer Research Program

Graduate Students: Looking for a rewarding opportunity to mentor summer interns and earn money? Serve as a Pod Leader for the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)! MSRP inspires and cultivates the next generation of talented undergraduate scholars to pursue graduate education & research career paths.

Learn more about the program and apply by Friday, February 14, 2025.

From the Blog

The commuter’s crucible

Two years ago, as I prepared to embark on my grad school journey, I devised a bold plan to live far off campus in order to save money. I chose to share a two-bedroom apartment in a town fifteen miles from MIT, fully aware that it would require more effort to get to campus and […]

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