Graduate Application Assistance Programs (GAAP)

MIT is committed to fostering a diverse student body and research workforce.

At the forefront of this commitment is cultivating a diverse and competitive applicant pool for our graduate programs at MIT.

Each Graduate Application Assistance Program (GAAP) is a student-led initiative designed to help prospective applicants, particularly those from identities historically underrepresented in graduate education, navigate the MIT Admissions process. 

  • Connect with a student mentor to receive advice on the MIT application process and feedback on application materials 
  • Learn more about student life at MIT, areas of study and resources that support student development

Please note: MIT’s Graduate Application Assistance Programs are volunteer-based and student-run. GAAPs operate independently of program admission committees and are not considered a component of the admissions process. 

In addition to the assistance offered by the GAAPs, the MIT Communication Lab offers quick guides to creating documents and practicing strategies for the graduate application process, including CVs, statements of purpose, fellowship applications, recommendation letters, and interviewing. The CommKit guides include real examples of application documents from different STEM disciplines.

GAAP ProgramEmailGAAP Deadline (usually earlier than the department application deadline)
Aeronautics & Astronautics GAAPaa-gaap@mit.eduDecember 2
Architecture Application Mentorship Progam (AMP)nschou@mit.eduOctober 7-11
November 4-8
January 6-10
Biology Application Assistance Program (BAAP)mitbaap@gmail.comNovember 15
Brain and Cognitive Sciences Application Assistance Program (BCS APP)bcs-aap@mit.eduNovember 15
Biological Engineering Application Assistance Program (BEAAP)beaap@mit.eduDecember 1
Center for Real Estate GAAP Programmsred-gaap@mit.eduNovember 15
Chemistry Application Mentor Program (CAMP)chemgradeducation@mit.eduNovember 1
Chemical Engineering Application Mentorship Program (CHAMP)champx@mit.eduNovember 20
Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Application Assistance Program (CEE GAAP)cee-gaap@mit.eduNovember 10
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Application Assistance Program (DAAP)dmse-daap@mit.eduNovember 3
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Application Mentorship Programeaps-application-assist@mit.eduNovember 14
Economics Application Assistance and Mentoring Programmit.econ.aamp@gmail.comAugust 5
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Assistance Application Program (EECS GAAP)eecsgaap@mit.eduOctober 15
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society Graduate Application Assistance Program (IDSS GAAP)
November 15
Health Sciences and Technology MEMP Application Assistance (HST MAAP)maap@mit.eduOctober 17
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Application Assistance Program (MechE GAAP)meche-gaap@mit.eduNovember 8
Media Arts and Sciences Students Offering Support 1
MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science & Engineering Applicant Support & Knowledgebase (JP ASK)jp-ask@mit.eduDecember 1
Nuclear Science and Engineeringnse-gaap@mit.eduOctober 1
Physics Graduate Application Assistance Program (PhysGAAP)physgaap@mit.eduNovember 6
Political Science Application Mentorship Program (PS AMP) 15
System Design and Managementsdm@gmail.comDecember 15, February 29
Urban Studies and Planning Peer Application Support Service (PASS)sccrecruit@gmail.comOctober 31

GAAPs please email any updates to