
The roller coaster ride of research life is no less scarier than those at Six Flags!

The roller coaster ride of research life is no less scarier than those at Six Flags!

The tale of how Six Flags gave me a close friend and insight into handling the ups and downs of grad school

September 14, 2022 | Vyshnavi V.

While I remember most events from my past with an extremely high level of detail thanks to my photographic memory, there is more to why I remember what happened on August 10, 2019. That was the day I went to Six Flags, New England, having purchased the discounted tickets sold by GSC. I had absolutely […]

There is more to MIT than lectures and labs!

There is more to MIT than lectures and labs!

How one day at Boda Borg changed my perspective of work-life balance

February 5, 2021 | Vyshnavi V.

I couldn’t have been more excited when I joined MIT in summer 2018 and started with research straight away. I came here thinking that all I could do at MIT is complete the coursework and conduct research because that is what I had done as an undergrad. However, I knew not that something very exciting […]

Best burgers and convos at BBC

Best burgers and convos at BBC

A quirky tradition unfolds the journey of grad school

July 30, 2020 | Olivia F.

The first friend I made in grad school doesn’t go to MIT. We didn’t even meet in Cambridge. Josh and I met at a chemistry grad school visit weekend at Princeton. We instantly clicked not only over our obvious shared interest in chemistry, but also a strong passion for teaching. I spent a good chunk […]

Get out of the lab, get on Twitter

Get out of the lab, get on Twitter

Why science Twitter is one of the greatest tools you have never heard of

June 30, 2020 | Stephanie S.

As any millennial, I spend a lot of time on social media. Facebook is my go-to place for cute animal videos or life updates from baby boomer relatives. Instagram is how I stay posted on what my friends, favorite celebrities, and social media influencers are up to. Every once in a while, you might even […]

Is grad school harder than a headstand?

Is grad school harder than a headstand?

How practicing my headstand turned into a metaphor for my PhD

May 18, 2020 | Stephanie S.

Editor Note: This post was originally written before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. The first semester of graduate school is pretty hard. You’re surrounded by new people from all over the world, you’re taking challenging classes, and in many departments, you’re also required to teach and do research right off the […]