
Living the Journey

Living the Journey

Five ways to enrich your life in grad school

July 2, 2017 | Sarah B.

In undergrad, I lost the journey for the destination. I came to college with blinders on. I was determined to focus 100% of my energy on academics and not let anything distract me from good grades. And, for better or worse, that is exactly what happened.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, I fell naturally onto the graduate school […]

Don’t Panic

Don’t Panic

How to survive falling into a grad school hole

May 26, 2017 | Katherine S.

The people that get into MIT and places like it are used to being the best of the best. The people who come here are used to success. In particular, they’re used to success being easy. The easy success you may have experienced in undergrad is not going to continue at MIT. (Okay, it might […]

Rebooting Your PhD

Rebooting Your PhD

Switching labs partway through your graduate studies

May 18, 2017 | Sarah B.

In July of 2013, I was abruptly told to leave lab. No warning, no chance to explain myself. The fact is, a sizable fraction of students do end up changing labs. Sometimes the cause is relatively benign — a professor gets a job offer elsewhere, or you realize you don’t like working with mice after […]

Handmade Research

Handmade Research

How building and repairing equipment with my hands has made me a better scientist

May 13, 2017 | Leigh Ann K.

When I first took my parents to my lab, my father was appalled. “This place is worse than my shop.” To truly understand this insult, consider that my father is a farmer who works in a 40-year-old shop with concrete floors and metal walls. Seed is sometimes stored in the back, the machining equipment is […]

Finding Great Escapes

Finding Great Escapes

Take advantage of grad school flexibility and book a bargain vacation

April 3, 2017 | Lauren S.

As a 78 degree breeze brushed against my shoulders, I took my first sip of the local cocktail of choice, Ti Punch. I must look like such a local, ordering a Ti Punch and not a mojito, I thought to myself. The burning sensation of alcohol shot up my nose. Whoa! Punch was an understatement. […]