
In defense of quitting

In defense of quitting

What I learned from almost ruining my first semester of grad school by overcommitting

February 23, 2023 | Anonymous .

If a hacker were to break into my phone at the beginning of September and read through my notes, this is the first one they would find: I think MIT is full of people who have a hard time saying no to exciting opportunities, and I am no exception. I’ve been following a roughly 4 […]

Practicing imperfection

Practicing imperfection

The art of turning big failures into little victories

December 16, 2022 | Helen W.

A screenshot of the author’s faulty Java code from one of her first attempts at coding When I TA’d for a quantitative methods class in college, I always kept this image of one of my first attempts at coding handy to show to struggling students. Besides providing some light comedic relief during stressful office hours, […]

Strange lands

Strange lands

On being a (foreign) grad student mom

December 10, 2020 | Ying G.

“So how’s everything? How’s the baby?” This is the opening line at almost all of my meetings. And I really can hear the emphasis on the second part.  Growing up watching my own parents complete graduate degrees and then becoming a grad student myself for many years did not prepare me for the life of […]