
From My Future Self

From My Future Self

Advice from a fourth-semester graduate student

April 4, 2017 | Alicia E.

Dear Alicia (circa 2015), Hi! It’s me. Or you, from the future. I’m writing you from the fourth semester of our grad school experience (the one you’re about to embark on!). I know you’re simultaneously thrilled  and terrified to start a PhD program at MIT! Let me tell you, it’s going to be one of […]

Returning to MIT

Returning to MIT

Choosing to attend graduate school at my undergraduate institution

March 29, 2017 | Katherine S.

I came back to MIT as a graduate student more in spite of my time as an undergraduate here than because of it. And I’m so glad that I did. Now, don’t get me wrong. My hesitation wasn’t because my undergraduate experience wasn’t amazing. It was. I loved my first time at MIT, and would […]

Why Choose MIT?

Why Choose MIT?

The reasons I came to MIT, and the reasons I'm glad I stayed

March 16, 2017 | Annie C.

When asked the entitled question (“Why Choose MIT?”), especially by prospective students whom I haven’t gotten to know well personally, I’m often at loss as to how to respond. The follow-up question that I’ve always secretly wanted to ask back is this: When your initial reasons for going to MIT are no longer true, can […]

To MIT with Love

To MIT with Love

On the value of pursuing your dreams

March 9, 2017 | Dishita T.

“… you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future…” It was a rainy monsoon evening of August, almost a year after my first visit as a tourist to MIT. I had decided to finally go meet (read as: go on blind date) with the guy chosen by my parents. In […]

Why Study Anything but Engineering?

Why Study Anything but Engineering?

Benefits of studying in the MIT environment

March 5, 2017 | Jeff B.

Why study anything BUT engineering at MIT? In my case, why study Supply Chain Management and Operations? MIT is Infinite MIT offers cutting-edge research opportunities and access to infinite resources and some of the world’s best professors. For instance, the university has one of three domestic tokamaks, has the Media Lab (which works on cool […]