
Loafing around at MIT

Loafing around at MIT

Why baking bread should be your next hobby

May 18, 2020 | Chanyoung P.

I started baking not too long ago, mostly at the advice of acquaintances who were already proficient bakers. My first few attempts weren’t great; I once managed to omit an entire cup of water from a naan recipe, resulting in a hard puck-shaped mass with the texture of stale Ritz crackers. But I kept at […]

The bright side of isolation

The bright side of isolation

A few positive aspects of social distancing

May 4, 2020 | Shashank A.

Being a graduate student whose work mostly takes place on a PC, the changes in MIT policies related to COVID-19 have not impacted my academic work by a large amount so far. On the other hand, the social impact of it has been much more profound. From an exponential increase in the discussions (mostly about […]



Running from your problems

April 27, 2020 | Charlotte L.

I’m a big fan of running, to the point where one of my labmates described me as being known among her friends as “a running and cider fiend”. I’ve written before about my lab’s crazy adventure in running across New Hampshire together and about using running as a form of stress relief, but I never […]

Work from home 101

Work from home 101

How to be productive when working in the lab isn’t an option

March 30, 2020 | Stephanie S.

Being a grad student is hard. Being a grad student during the coronavirus pandemic is even harder. We’re used to running between classes, meetings, and labwork; suddenly, we’re barricaded in our apartments with no access to our labs, coffee shops or libraries, and we’re somehow expected to still be productive. While this situation is less-than-ideal, […]

Reset (or set) your morning routine

Reset (or set) your morning routine

Tips for jumpstarting your days when working from home

March 30, 2020 | Kathleen L.

Coronavirus has caused a work from home (WFH) phenomenon unlike anything seen before. It’s an experimental time for many and, given the circumstances, it can be stressful and isolating. Setting up a good routine can be a great way to create order in chaos. A while ago, I read a book called “Daily Rituals: How […]