
The evermore squares

The evermore squares

How my obsession with crochet helped me explore music and find moments of peace amidst the stress of grad school life

July 14, 2022 | Rima D.

During quarantine, and especially during the era of Zoom classes, I became re-obsessed with crochet. I noticed that crocheting while listening to Zoom lectures helped me stay focused on the speaker instead of getting distracted by emails or other work on my computer. Having something to do with my hands gave me an outlet for […]

Routine in chaos

Routine in chaos

Discovering opportunity to hack your own personal productivity habits

April 29, 2021 | Claire D.

About a month into my first semester at MIT, I found myself sitting on my couch at 4pm, still in my pajamas I’d been wearing all day, working on a math Problem Set (PSET), with a bag of pretzels as my only meal of the day beside me when I thought:  What the heck am […]



Crack the Code to MIT Conversation

December 10, 2020 | Allison P.

“Are you a first-year grad student?” “Yes, I am! What are you studying?” “Oh, I’m a Course 2, working on my SM – I’m taking my last 24 Units this semester. What Course are you?” “… ah, well, I’m taking statistics this semester?” To fresh recruits to the graduate community at MIT, this conversation may […]

Any tips on tipping?

Any tips on tipping?

The plight of an international student new to the tipping culture in America

September 3, 2020 | Aditya G.

Picture having dinner at a restaurant with some friends. There’s a fun conversation going on right up to the point where the bill arrives. Perhaps it’s only me, but I feel that in the moments that follow, the conversation dies down a little as everyone enters their tipping ‘headspaces’. A few take their own initiative […]

Rethinking orientation in the COVID-19 era

Rethinking orientation in the COVID-19 era

How the MIT graduate orientation is reforming itself this year

July 30, 2020 | Shashank A.

Orientation is the stepping stone of the graduate student life experience at MIT. Every year, the Graduate Student Council (GSC) Orientation Committee (OC) organizes a series of orientation events for incoming graduate students. Unlike many other American universities, the MIT graduate orientation is not a one-day or one-week event. For instance, orientation lasted over four […]