


Crack the Code to MIT Conversation

December 10, 2020 | Allison P.

“Are you a first-year grad student?” “Yes, I am! What are you studying?” “Oh, I’m a Course 2, working on my SM – I’m taking my last 24 Units this semester. What Course are you?” “… ah, well, I’m taking statistics this semester?” To fresh recruits to the graduate community at MIT, this conversation may […]

Bench, bath and beyond

Bench, bath and beyond

Transform your apartment into a yeast lab, and have fun doing it!

September 21, 2020 | Veda K.

One of the very first lessons you learn in microbiology is that while countless things can – and will – go wrong, you can almost always count on your microbes to grow. There is some strange comfort in knowing that what looks like clear liquid today will reveal countless gleaming colonies smiling up at you […]

Navigating MIT

Navigating MIT

How to Survive in the Forest of Numbers

August 11, 2020 | Hyunjin P.

MIT exemplifies a uniquely analytical and quantitative intellectual approach. It’s a good thing, usually; after all, scientific revolutions like Newtonian physics began when we started putting stuff into quantitative perspective. MIT, however, took it a bit too far.  Humans are, in general, pretty bad at memorizing numbers (with a few exceptions like Akira Haraguch, who […]

Times may have changed, but MIT will not

Times may have changed, but MIT will not

Looking Back at International IAP Adventures

July 30, 2020 | Olivia Y.

My first year at MIT was filled with opportunities, more than I was able to take advantage of. In just one walk down the Infinite corridor, I could pick out a dozen flyers that piqued my interest. I deliberately slowed down, knowing that I had four to five more years to explore all that MIT […]

Rethinking orientation in the COVID-19 era

Rethinking orientation in the COVID-19 era

How the MIT graduate orientation is reforming itself this year

July 30, 2020 | Shashank A.

Orientation is the stepping stone of the graduate student life experience at MIT. Every year, the Graduate Student Council (GSC) Orientation Committee (OC) organizes a series of orientation events for incoming graduate students. Unlike many other American universities, the MIT graduate orientation is not a one-day or one-week event. For instance, orientation lasted over four […]