
My Degree by the Numbers

My Degree by the Numbers

Learning to find find inspiration from other students, professors, and the community

April 5, 2017 | Jeffrey B.

Two teams, 11 unique personalities, seven months, 14 classes. A return to New England Patriots nation after a six-year journey where I resided in three different states (and one district). An opportunity to complete two masters’ degrees in two years supported by 27 global corporations. Adding to the mix travel to 22 states and countries […]

The Infinite Corridor

The Infinite Corridor

How the design of MIT represents its philosophy

April 1, 2017 | Dishita T.

“How do I get to MIT?” I asked. It was a sunny afternoon with a crisp fall breeze. I was only 2 weeks into my first trip to the US, but I was already missing the warmth of Mumbai air. “Well, you are already at MIT,” the lady standing near a white sculpture of human […]

Returning to MIT

Returning to MIT

Choosing to attend graduate school at my undergraduate institution

March 29, 2017 | Katherine S.

I came back to MIT as a graduate student more in spite of my time as an undergraduate here than because of it. And I’m so glad that I did. Now, don’t get me wrong. My hesitation wasn’t because my undergraduate experience wasn’t amazing. It was. I loved my first time at MIT, and would […]

The Case for Quantum Morality

The Case for Quantum Morality

A thought experiment in support of the many-worlds philosophy

March 23, 2017 | Daniel G.

I should start by saying that everything that I’m about to write may or may not be completely bogus. Still, I haven’t convinced myself that it’s not bogus, so I guess I’ll share it anyway.   I want to make the claim that our understanding of physics should influence our ethical decisions. To ease you […]

Overheard at MIT

Overheard at MIT

Interesting anecdotes from walking around campus

March 20, 2017 | Daniel S.

What if you could be a fly on the wall in the place where some of the most important things were invented? Arriving to MIT Sloan as an MBA student, I was determined to be involved as much as I could in the MIT ecosystem and the Boston entrepreneurship scene. This enabled me to hear […]