
How can Philosophy Help Policy?

How can Philosophy Help Policy?

How I stepped outside my comfort zone and attended courses outside my research area

March 25, 2019 | Shekhar C.

Before coming to MIT, I had no idea how much courses outside my field could influence my research and shape my intellectual beliefs. I had earned a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and a master’s in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with a minor in public policy. I had also worked with the Government of India on […]

Venturing Into My Comfort Zone

Venturing Into My Comfort Zone

When research and travel go hand in hand

March 25, 2019 | Josh M.

Travelling is one of my favorite things to do, so I’m always excited when I get to travel for work. Since I’m a Ph.D. student in atmospheric chemistry in the environmental engineering department, you might think that my work naturally lends itself to performing research in the field. However, I do most of my work […]

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Make today different from tomorrow

March 18, 2019 | Nicolas M.

Happiness is a strange thing. Take one of your glorious moments. Mine would probably be the day I learned I was joining MIT. It felt like I had just received my letter of admission to Hogwarts, from Dumbledore himself. I had worked so hard to get to that point, and for all I knew, it […]

Weighted Decision Matrices and the Happiness Question

Weighted Decision Matrices and the Happiness Question

How I decided to come to MIT

March 18, 2019 | Mary T.

Deciding to pursue a Ph.D. and finding appropriate programs was straightforward for me; choosing where to go was much more tortuous. Even before I had received any acceptance letters, I fretted over the question: “How will I choose?”. Should I choose the most prestigious school? The cheapest city, so my stipend will go further? A […]

A Perfect Campus Tour

A Perfect Campus Tour

See most of MIT in 30 minutes

March 11, 2019 | Shashank A.

I have been at MIT for almost two and a half years, and during this time I have repeatedly been asked to give campus tours to visiting friends and family. Though most of campus is within walking distance, extremely convoluted paths resulting from high building density and weird building numbering make it challenging to navigate […]