
Ivy League Entitlement

Ivy League Entitlement

How not to date at a high-profile school

September 16, 2019 | Alyssa R.

“No.” I said. “I don’t want to.” I was standing on the street in front of a man in a suit. That man (let’s call him Ryan) was frantically trying to usher me into his apartment building. He held the door wide open, incredulous that I wouldn’t do what he wanted. “It’s not that big […]

Unashamed to Be a Nerd

Unashamed to Be a Nerd

Proclaiming my love for Harry Potter

September 9, 2019 | Anna I.

My friends at school weren’t really into Harry Potter. Many had watched the movies, and a few had read the books, but the magical world did not have the same appeal for them as it did for me. I was enthralled by the story of the Boy Who Lived, captivated by the psychological complexity of […], Where Did You Go?, Where Did You Go?

The MIT approach to online dating

August 12, 2019 | Stephen L.

Cambridge and the online dating landscape  When I first arrived in Boston, I was teeming with curiosity and excitement. My thirst for scientific discovery and research was paralleled only by one thing: my eagerness to explore the multitude of online dating platforms. Up until that point, I had never dabbled in this domain but had […]

Fated Friends

Fated Friends

Human interaction at MIT

August 12, 2019 | Alyssa R.

Walking into my MIT dorm for the first time, I itched to meet my peers. Although MIT students are known for being nerdy, I figured grad students (myself included) already went through a social awakening in undergrad. Making friends would be a piece of cake. I rounded the corner on the way to finding the […]

Going Through a Breakup

Going Through a Breakup

How work and friends helped me (somewhat) regain my inner balance

June 17, 2019 | Anna I.

I came back to Boston after a month of traveling to find out that my boyfriend and I had fallen out of love. After an ever-difficult conversation during a rainy September night, I was faced with the necessity to adjust to my “single” relationship status while staying on top of my responsibilities as a graduate […]