
Be the [climate] change you wish to see

Be the [climate] change you wish to see

Don’t underestimate the ripple effects of small changes

February 5, 2021 | Rachel S. (CEE)

“What were they thinking?” That’s a common phrase we might say when we shake our heads at past generations for war, genocide, and slavery. As we eat our cheeseburgers in our air-conditioned cars while rolling past carefully manicured and fertilized lawns (otherwise called a climate change crisis), we might not think this phrase may one […]

Dousing first-year burnout

Dousing first-year burnout

The importance of making MIT your home

January 17, 2021 | Alex O.

“How was your first week, hon? Have you found any fun clubs to join? Are you making any friends?” Typical Mom, still thinking of me as a kid. I had just started a graduate program at MIT. I was joining a group of the world’s most elite scientists, and I certainly didn’t have time for […]

Art of comfort

Art of comfort

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls

December 29, 2020 | Yuqin (Sophia) D.

What’s your deepest impression of Boston? Lobster, or the Charles River maybe? For me, it’s the rich art atmosphere. It’s not just about how good museums are, but more about how convenient it is for us students to visit them. The Harvard art museum is by far my preferred destination. It’s right next to the […]

Safer grocery shopping guide during the COVID-19

Safer grocery shopping guide during the COVID-19

Grocery shopping has been even more difficult during the pandemic, but here are some tips!

December 21, 2020 | Kristin C.

I never thought that getting good food without a car would be difficult in my life since I lived in Taipei before moving to Cambridge. In Taipei, you’ll see convenience stores everywhere because Taiwan has the highest density per capita of convenience stores in the world. A five-minute walk in Taipei can get me anything […]

My advisor left MIT during my PhD

My advisor left MIT during my PhD

Making difficult decisions with incomplete information

December 21, 2020 | Cherry G.

It was a chilly November morning in 2014, and two months into my second year at MIT. My PhD advisor called for an all-hands group meeting with required attendance. We crammed into a tiny conference room: all 15 of us, whose lives were about to be turned upside-down. On the screen, my advisor flashed a […]