
The buddy system

The buddy system

How checking in weekly can keep your goals on track

May 26, 2020 | Kathleen L.

Graduate school is overwhelming and lonely at times. In addition to producing good research, graduate students have to balance networking, taking classes, staying updated on advances in their field by reading papers, and managing personal life goals. Everyone has a research advisor and, usually, labmates with whom they can discuss research concerns, but it’s not […]

Teaching a lab module…on Zoom

Teaching a lab module…on Zoom

How the pandemic impacted my life as a TA this semester

May 9, 2020 | Maddie H.

“The first thing we have to talk about is coronavirus.” That’s what the director of the undergraduate chemistry laboratory said when all the lab teaching assistants (TAs) gathered at the beginning of the semester. Back then, our only concern was helping students who were missing class due to self-isolation after winter break travel. Since I […]

What do I do when I can’t go to lab?

What do I do when I can’t go to lab?

Ways to move your research forward when running experiments isn’t an option

April 27, 2020 | Stephanie S.

Sometimes, going to lab isn’t an option. Whether it’s due to an injury, illness, family or, as in 2020, COVID-19, life often gets in the way of planned experiments. But that doesn’t have to stop you from working on your research! There are lots of ways to push your research forward without physically running experiments. […]

A different kind of long-distance relationship

A different kind of long-distance relationship

Tips on how to make remote advising work for you

April 13, 2020 | Anonymous St.

Now that we’re working from home and many of us have relocated from campus, maintaining effective communication with our advisors remotely presents an additional stressor (on top of trying not to catch coronavirus). But some of us are already well-acquainted with the joys of skyping in sweatpants and rolling out of bed ten minutes before […]

Wait? It snows here?

Wait? It snows here?

How I survived my first New England winter

April 6, 2020 | Paul G.

It was 7:00 AM. Okay, 7:08 AM because I always hit my snooze button at least once. Since Thanksgiving break had just concluded, I was feeling well rested for the first time this semester. I appreciated the break from thinking about the final projects that were threatening my next few weeks. As part of my […]