
How I passed my 1st-year classes

How I passed my 1st-year classes skipping them (please don’t tell anyone)

August 25, 2020 | Suzane C.

That’s right, I confess: I am a serial class skipper. It all started in high school, when I discovered it was possible to learn a lot more about a subject if I studied the material during class instead of paying attention to the teacher. Of course, I couldn’t physically skip classes back then without getting […]

The infinite rotation

The infinite rotation

After six failed lab rotations, one last chance to find a home

August 11, 2020 | Matthew A.

Switching labs is, optimally, disruptive. On September 3, 2019, the very beginning of my second year at MIT, my PhD program director called me into his office to explain that I needed to switch labs because one of my co-advisors was a research fellow, not a tenure-track professor, and the other presently lacked resources to […]

Life at MIT could be stressful, but not for you!

Life at MIT could be stressful, but not for you!

Simple ways to manage stress as a grad student

July 22, 2020 | Morteza S

Stress is one of the common issues that every grad student experiences. Experiments or simulations don’t work most of the time, and the relationships with advisors/lab mates/friends might have their ups and downs. We all know the feeling of getting closer to a deadline and not having enough data to present/submit. Being a graduate student […]

Getting into gear

Getting into gear

The grad student’s survival guide to biking in the Boston area

July 7, 2020 | Tatiana N.

Living in the south of the US for most of my life, where the distance between locations of interest are large and biking infrastructure is almost non-existent, biking as a primary form of transportation never seemed like a serious option. Moving to Boston, I knew I wouldn’t be able to bring my car which I […]

What’s your grocery strategy?

What’s your grocery strategy?

Feeding yourself in Cambridge without a car

July 7, 2020 | Meggan D.

Good food has long been my main vice. Before moving to Cambridge, I lived in DC and loved taking advantage of the diverse food scene. My Sunday ritual was going to the farmers market, heading to Whole Foods, and then coming home to cook for the afternoon. I knew once I was on a graduate […]