Music Technology and Computation

77 Massachusetts AvenueBuilding 10-219
Cambridge MA, 02139
Music Technology and Computation
Application Opens:
October 15
December 23 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Fall Term
Master’s of Science (SM)
*Applications for Fall 2025 are for current MIT undergraduates only.
The Master of Science (SM) does not require standardized tests from applicants. This includes the GRE, GMAT, IELTS, and TOEFL.
- music information retrieval
- artificial intelligence
- machine learning, generative algorithms
- interaction and performance systems
- digital instrument design
- conceptual and perceptual modeling of music
- acoustics
- audio signal processing
- software development for creative expression and music applications
- Unofficial transcript(s) (official transcript required if admitted)
- Coursework plan showing which courses you have taken/will take to complete your degree requirements
- Resume/CV
- Funding plan
- Description of your experience as a musician
- all music classes taken and extra-curricular musical activities
- Description of your research and (if applicable) teaching experience
- Optional* statement describing any additional information or extenuating circumstances
- Research Statement (1 page)
- Two letters of recommendation
One semester of fellowship funding is automatically awarded to all admitted students to the SM program.
Other funding options are listed below:
- OGE lists a few external fellowships (MIT administered, Federal, Featured External, Other External)
- MIT’s Morningside Academy for Design (MAD) offers some design fellowships
- TAships and RAships may be available