
September 23, 2024

GradThriving is designed to foster the holistic well-being and academic success of MIT graduate students. Our mission is to create an environment where students not only survive, but thrive in their academic and personal lives. 

This new unit will bring together existing and expanding services:

  • GradSupport: Our growing team provides advice and counsel on a variety of issues including faculty/student relationships, changing your advisor, conflict negotiation, funding, academic progress, and interpersonal concerns.
  • GradDiversity: We work to cultivate a vibrant and empowering community, increase diversity, and foster a welcoming and inclusive community through programming, support for recruitment, and a signature summer research program.
  • Grad Families: Our Program Administrator for Graduate Students with Children is your point of contact as a grad student parent, connecting you with resources on campus and beyond—including childbirth and parental accommodation, the Grant for Graduate Students with Children, subsidized backup childcare, events, and more.
  • GradExperience: This newly-synthesized team combines support for the Graduate Student Council (GSC) and central graduate orientation (expanded this year as we began to reimagine orientation) with community-building programs such as the Graduate Student Experience Grants and Graduate Community Fellows.

Straightforward access to what you need
One unit makes it simpler to connect with the services you need. Since we already partner with a number of affiliates across campus, our team can either help you directly or connect you with services, including:

  • Mental health resources: On-campus counseling, peer support groups, and access to off-campus mental health providers.
  • Community building: Opportunities for social connection, inclusivity, and professional networking.
  • Work-life balance initiatives: Workshops and resources to help students maintain well-being and prevent burnout.
  • Academic coaching: Personalized support in time management, goal setting, and academic resilience.
  • Career outlook: opportunities to explore options and prepare for life after MIT.

Through a comprehensive support framework, GradThriving will integrate academic engagement, personal well-being and joy, and social connectedness to empower you in your graduate journey at MIT—and your long term success

We look forward to serving graduate students even better throughout the graduate journey!

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