Community members provide unique views of MIT’s graduation ceremonies through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
MIT News Office
The Class of 2023 had much to celebrate this week! We’ve compiled a snapshot of social media posts celebrating the new graduates, their families, their mentors, and others in the MIT community who helped make Commencement a success.
MIT commencement speech tomorrow 😬. I’m not promising my graduation hat isn’t gonna fly away 400ft into the air at the end 🙂 https://pic.twitter.com/OMTvhBJ5IX
— Mark Rober (@MarkRober) May 31, 2023
#MIT2023 Back to Boston and celebrating the commencement day! Share the happiness with my dear advisor, family and friends pic.twitter.com/Bgms5AsL5e
— Lu Mi (@Lumi871) June 1, 2023
With Dr @sylvia_bisco and Dr Huang. Very proud of my students! pic.twitter.com/oN84YANfCG
— Salvatore Vitale (@sasomao) June 1, 2023
Yesterday, we celebrated the over 1,200 master’s and doctoral degree graduates at the School of Engineering & Schwarzman College of Computing Advanced Degree Ceremony! Congratulations Class of 2023!
Photo: Gretchen Ertl pic.twitter.com/e1VWRQwJzI
— MIT Engineering (@MITEngineering) June 1, 2023
K9 Zambra has been ready to ensure a safe and enjoyable @MIT Commencement Ceremony. pic.twitter.com/OQwMDRRgeg
— Cambridge Police👮🏽 (@CambridgePolice) June 1, 2023
@MayorWu at @mitsap commencement! Congrats to all the grads 🎓@MIT @mitcommencement #mit2023 pic.twitter.com/tS1DXlAzFW
— MIT in the Community (@mitogcr) June 1, 2023
Congratulations to MIT Physics of Living Systems graduates!! @MIT_Physics @ScienceMIT @MIT #MIT2023@junang_li @SGrosseHolz @jeffchengore @Hyun_research Weishun Zhong, Mehran Kardar pic.twitter.com/2lDOGLHJeG
— Nikta Fakhri (@FakhriLab) May 31, 2023
Poli Sci is so proud of our graduates! Pictured below: Gabriel Nahmias, Lukas Wolters Freiheyt, Paige Bollen, @emisimison, @amilliff, @MeicenSun & @bm_read. Not pictured: @YingHbo, @milaindfayulu, @julianrippy, Lauren David, Sam Maldonado & Phoebe Shi. @MITCommencement pic.twitter.com/rNzPXixsYr
— MITPoliticalScience (@MITPoliSci) June 1, 2023
Congratulations, @MIT Class of 2023! Fun to be on the “other side” of the ceremony @kiyomasui @annafrebel @amvanderburg pic.twitter.com/YwXLoke3j0
— Erin Amira Kara (@ErinAstro) June 1, 2023
So proud of my best friend and sister @gabbolefthand, who graduated from @MIT @MITSloan today 🤓🤓#MIT2023 @MITstudents @MITCommencement pic.twitter.com/6BdCA7c7ab
— Edward Christopher “Chris” Dee, MD (@EChrisDee) June 1, 2023
From the President’s Convocation to Commencement, you did it, #MIT2023! pic.twitter.com/bHqxiJKBGG
— Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (@MIT) June 1, 2023