
The Key to Successful Applications

The Key to Successful Applications

The qualified match approach to personal statements

July 4, 2017 | Amanda C.

If you are applying for graduate school and fellowships – variations of this paragraph will read eerily familiar to you: The Statement of Purpose should briefly detail your reasons for applying to the proposed program at [organization]. Please describe your background and experience (academic and extracurricular), which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your […]

From Professional to PhD

From Professional to PhD

The costs and benefits of a substantial career change

July 3, 2017 | Patrick W.

A 70 percent cut in pay — that’s what my next career move would cost me. And yet it was an opportunity I knew I couldn’t pass up, and it was possibly the best thing I could for my career. Still, a 70% pay cut would definitely change my idea of a vacation for the […]

Living the Journey

Living the Journey

Five ways to enrich your life in grad school

July 2, 2017 | Sarah B.

In undergrad, I lost the journey for the destination. I came to college with blinders on. I was determined to focus 100% of my energy on academics and not let anything distract me from good grades. And, for better or worse, that is exactly what happened.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, I fell naturally onto the graduate school […]

Being a Muslim Woman at MIT

Being a Muslim Woman at MIT

Why I choose to wear a hijab and how it has affected my graduate school experience

June 30, 2017 | Titan H.

On a sunny day last fall, I wanted to try cooking a typical Indonesian food called ‘rendang,’ a delicious spicy beef curry.  Figure 1. Rendang is best served with warm jasmine rice, shrimp crackers, and fresh cucumber. I left my apartment to go grocery shopping while catching Pokemon at the same time. Then, suddenly, a […]

Where Are All the Women?

Where Are All the Women?

Experiences in computer science from visit weekend and beyond

May 29, 2017 | Irene C.

This may sound crazy, but for a brief time, I pictured MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) department as only women. Yes, this happened. Due to a weirdly warped golden recall of MIT’s Visit Weekend, I somehow only remember the Saturday Pancake Breakfast for women in EECS: A hundred women crammed in a conference […]