
PhD parenting in a pandemic

PhD parenting in a pandemic

Challenges and lessons learned from a tumultuous time in my life

April 29, 2021 | Adrian G.

When I first heard about SARS-CoV-2, my wife and I had just flown back to the U.S. from visiting her family in China. She was already in her second trimester of pregnancy and was concerned that the virus might spread to North America. At the time, I didn’t think too much of it. Evidently, her […]

Experimenting with love

Experimenting with love

Attempting to date as a PhD student in Biology

April 29, 2021 | Kate K.

As far as bad dates went, this one was catastrophic. My date (we’ll call him “Brad”) was drunk, not just on his own ego, but also quite literally drunk. Though really, this was not my fault, as he had decided to come that way. As the waitress cleared our table, he swiveled around to look […]

Join today, plan for tomorrow

Join today, plan for tomorrow

Why you should join your professional society

March 26, 2021 | Miriam K.

Whether it’s IEEE, ASME, AIChE, APS, or a different acronym, you are probably familiar with your field’s specific professional society. I became a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) as a college freshman in 2013. Eight years later, serving on the ANS board of directors and working toward a PhD, I credit ANS with […]

My musical journey in Boston

My musical journey in Boston

How a fortuitous encounter started my musical career

March 14, 2021 | Yong-Chul Y.

An Instrumental Encounter “I am a musician.” I did not expect to hear those words during my lab rotation for the Health Science Technology program. I clearly remember the day. It was a chilly winter afternoon of 2018 at Lansdowne Street in Cambridge when I was introduced to a lab administrator, who showed me around […]

Welcome to the CandE shop

Welcome to the CandE shop

Building an Online Community for MIT Climate and Energy Enthusiasts

December 21, 2020 | Cathy W.

I came to MIT knowing exactly what I wanted to pursue: ensuring reliable, secure, clean, and affordable energy for all. You’d think that it would be easy to find a community of similarly minded peers in MIT’s large climate and energy ecosystem. And in a way, it was. My master’s program, Technology and Policy, has […]