
*Actually* looking forward to my commute

*Actually* looking forward to my commute

Or, my newfound love of podcasts

June 30, 2020 | Neha K.

Remember when iPods first became popular in the early 2000s and included an innocuous purple icon for the “Podcasts” app that hardly anyone paid attention to? Flash forward to 2019, when podcasts experienced a large resurgence of popularity, with nearly 32% of the US population listening to podcasts monthly, and 22% listening weekly. The podcast […]

Guidance beyond your advisor

Guidance beyond your advisor

The different types of mentorship and how to seek them out

March 10, 2020 | Neha K.

Before starting grad school, whenever I considered the concept of “mentorship,” the first person I envisioned was my future advisor. However, as a PhD student in the middle of my second year, I have come to realize that there are many facets of mentorship throughout the graduate school experience. This is particularly the case for […]