
Finding Belonging through Community

Finding Belonging through Community

Make the time to seek out familiar spaces

November 13, 2018 | Vadim K.

There’s a common feeling that many incoming graduate students can attest to: I don’t belong here. MIT seems designed to keep us feeling this way, perhaps as motivation to work long hours, or perhaps to perpetuate its imposing reputation. It starts from the moment of acceptance. Elation and surprise are quickly followed by weeks of […]

Undercover Art

Undercover Art

Discovering the (not so) hidden artsy side of MIT

March 15, 2018 | Zoë L.

Before coming to MIT, I had this idea in my head that it was a super tech focused, STEM-driven institution. And it is, in many ways. But thinking of it that way scared me a little, because despite being a physics major in undergrad and a mechanical engineering major now that I’m in graduate school, […]

Being a Muslim Woman at MIT

Being a Muslim Woman at MIT

Why I choose to wear a hijab and how it has affected my graduate school experience

June 30, 2017 | Titan H.

On a sunny day last fall, I wanted to try cooking a typical Indonesian food called ‘rendang,’ a delicious spicy beef curry.  Figure 1. Rendang is best served with warm jasmine rice, shrimp crackers, and fresh cucumber. I left my apartment to go grocery shopping while catching Pokemon at the same time. Then, suddenly, a […]

Get Beyond the Bubble

Get Beyond the Bubble

The importance of interacting with non-MIT people during graduate school

May 27, 2017 | Lee W.

Last Saturday night I was in my living room surrounded by a dozen people, but there was only one topic of conversation: the joys and sorrows of working at a hospital. My girlfriend Jaimie is a psychiatry resident, and we had invited her co-residents over for dinner. Doctor-talk monopolizing the night wasn’t a surprise; I’ve come […]

Confessions of a Green Tea Addict

Confessions of a Green Tea Addict

Where to find quality green tea in the MIT area

April 9, 2017 | Titan H.

Just as some people are addicted to coffee, I am addicted to green tea. However, I think ‘addiction’ is a too strong of a word. I do not drink green tea twice a day in my office while working on research and problem sets, like how others drink their coffee. I cannot recall the exact […]