
Fitting into MIT

Fitting into MIT

How imposter syndrome gave me a sense of belonging

April 13, 2020 | Kristan H.

When I got my acceptance email from MIT, I actually cried. My childhood dream was coming true, and my emotions were a whirlwind of excitement and disbelief. In a fit of excitement, I called my mom and somehow managed to string together words to convey the good news to her. At the end of the […]

The unlikely friends you’ll find

The unlikely friends you’ll find

How disparate interests bring the graduate community together

March 10, 2020 | Alan P.

I still remember the feeling of disappointment. This was right in the first week as a grad student and I was still in the social-butterfly phase, meeting the people I would be spending the upcoming years with. The thought flew through my head: “what a shame, he seemed like such a nice guy”. This thought […]

The Myth About Inbox(0)

The Myth About Inbox(0)

Learning to manage my unmanageable email inbox in graduate school

January 21, 2020 | Sam C.

After extolling the logistical heroics of Alexander the Great and his Macedonian Army, my military history instructor turned to the class and declared, “Good generals study tactics; great generals study logistics.” To my fellow graduate students, I offer a customized message: “Good graduate students study research methods; great graduate students study email.” In this digital […]

The Vicious Cycle of Boston Leases

The Vicious Cycle of Boston Leases

New Year, New Lease

December 23, 2019 | Nina P.

Raise your hand if you hate moving!  The Greater Boston Area, especially lovely places such as Allston, Cambridge, and Somerville, can be quite a painful place August 31st when most housing rental leases end. For one night, until the new lease begins on September 1st, many people become practically homeless — or worse, many students […]

Learning to Sail

Learning to Sail

A unique recreation activity offered at MIT

December 17, 2019 | Shashank A.

As mentioned in one of my previous blogs, the trio-factors of inability to swim, belonging to a country where sailing is not common, and the presence of the Charles River, always full of sailing boats right next to the campus, instilled a desire to learn sailing in me ever since I joined MIT. But the […]