
Money matters: Part 1

Money matters: Part 1

Making the most of your stipend

July 19, 2024 | Anonymous .

Financial stress is often assumed to be an unavoidable part of the graduate student experience. But does it have to be that way? With a bit of planning and discipline, I have been able to save up enough money to pay off my undergraduate student loans, fund a retirement account, buy a new phone, and […]

Talking to myself through a reverse to-do list

Talking to myself through a reverse to-do list

How keeping a “done” list got me through my first few years of grad school.

July 10, 2024 | Rachel S. (MechE)

Communication is the most important skill I have developed in grad school. The types of communication we usually think about are technical and interpersonal communication, such as publishing and presenting your research, or communicating with your advisor. However, one type of communication I overlooked in my first year was communicating to myself.  As a first […]

Interviewing for grad school is a two-way street

Interviewing for grad school is a two-way street

The questions you should be asking your potential advisors, and why, when choosing a research group

June 20, 2024 | Aneesa S.

One of the most intimidating parts of the PhD application process is choosing a research group to join. It’s a daunting commitment–this group will be your home of sorts for the next five or more years. It’s important to think about this choice as finding a good match, rather than picking the name you think […]

Measure twice, cut once, then force it to fit

Measure twice, cut once, then force it to fit

Learning the art of woodworking over IAP

May 22, 2024 | Vyshnavi V.

It was during last year’s Independent Activities Period, also popularly known as IAP, when I came across the woodworking class taught by Lee Zamir. I was browsing through classes that were offered during IAP, scouting for fun ones. The woodworking course, offered by Project Manus, caught my eye because it seemed like the polar opposite […]

The art of balance: A myth or reality?

The art of balance: A myth or reality?

Lessons from a third year PhD student

May 1, 2024 | Favour O.

As a graduate student at MIT, the concept of balance is often discussed as something we should strive for. But is it truly achievable? Can we truly balance our academic responsibilities, research projects, and personal lives? As someone who enjoys nature, exercise, traveling, cooking, and other non-research related activities, I was curious to find a […]