
How to train your robot

How to train your robot

Cool research is built on a series of rather uncool moments.

February 1, 2024 | Nishanth K.

It’s late on a Monday night, and as usual, I’m standing in the middle of a large playroom filled with a bunch of pretend tools. There are toy hammers, plastic wrenches, and even a pretend drill, all strewn across racks, tables, and bins. I walk around the room, running a final check to make sure […]

Positive Procrastination

Positive Procrastination

Why taking breaks can be good for productivity

January 3, 2024 | Anonymous Auth.

I think procrastination gets a bad rep.  It’s something you’re meant to grow out of and certainly, as a busy graduate student, there’s no time to procrastinate. Well, I think procrastination is really misunderstood and should not have an immediate negative connotation.  When you don’t feel like doing something, there is often a reason why. […]

My adventures with MIT Sailing!

My adventures with MIT Sailing!

From channeling my inner Moana to almost drowning in the Charles

February 7, 2023 | Vyshnavi V.

I was always drawn to bodies of water like rivers and seas. I had visions of sailing on boats and riding on ferries, but I never imagined that I would learn how to sail myself! When I first arrived at MIT, I heard about the MIT Sailing program, but an obstacle stood in my way: […]

Writer’s block? Experiencing isolation as a researcher or writer? WTO has got you covered!

Writer’s block? Experiencing isolation as a researcher or writer? WTO has got you covered!

How the Writing and Communication Center’s ‘Writing Together Online’ program helped me overcome writer’s block

December 22, 2022 | Vyshnavi V.

In 2019, I was in my second year of PhD when my PhD advisor told me that we had all the results we needed to write up a journal article related to my very first research project. After our meeting that day, I was so excited for two reasons: first, because this was my first […]

Practicing imperfection

Practicing imperfection

The art of turning big failures into little victories

December 16, 2022 | Helen W.

A screenshot of the author’s faulty Java code from one of her first attempts at coding When I TA’d for a quantitative methods class in college, I always kept this image of one of my first attempts at coding handy to show to struggling students. Besides providing some light comedic relief during stressful office hours, […]