
Every Scientist is a Sherlock Holmes

Every Scientist is a Sherlock Holmes

Why we do experiments, even if they don't work

March 9, 2018 | Sasha C.

This summer I voluntarily stayed up all night for about nine days to stare at some computer screens and push some buttons. Voluntarily, I became a true night dweller by waking up at 7pm and going to bed at 8am. I wasn’t practicing some weird voodoo sleeping schedule or avoiding the sunlight. I was working […]

Don’t Panic

Don’t Panic

How to survive falling into a grad school hole

May 26, 2017 | Katherine S.

The people that get into MIT and places like it are used to being the best of the best. The people who come here are used to success. In particular, they’re used to success being easy. The easy success you may have experienced in undergrad is not going to continue at MIT. (Okay, it might […]

From My Future Self

From My Future Self

Advice from a fourth-semester graduate student

April 4, 2017 | Alicia E.

Dear Alicia (circa 2015), Hi! It’s me. Or you, from the future. I’m writing you from the fourth semester of our grad school experience (the one you’re about to embark on!). I know you’re simultaneously thrilled  and terrified to start a PhD program at MIT! Let me tell you, it’s going to be one of […]

Fighting Depression

Fighting Depression

The importance of seeking help and building a support system

March 24, 2017 | Dongying S.

“Who is she? Why does she look so sad?” It was a summer day in 2013. After lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling without doing anything for the entire day again, I finally got up. When I looked into the bathroom mirror, I saw my eyes filled with tears. What is worse, […]

45 Dreams Deferred

45 Dreams Deferred

Learning to accept rejections in academia

March 22, 2017 | Amanda C.

Dressed in a freshly dry-cleaned suit for graduate school visits, I marched proudly and eagerly into my first one-on-one interview with a prospective PI. “Hi, I’m Amanda!” “Nice to meet you, I’m Rob. Are you good at failing?” “What do you mean?” I stared blankly, taken aback by his bluntness. He smiled knowingly and leaned […]