
Educating Myself Out of Education

Educating Myself Out of Education

I’m a fast climber, but why should it matter?

May 13, 2019 | Nicolas M.

I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t always tell the truth.  When people ask me about MIT, I tend to oversell it. After all, it is one of the best, if not the best, university on the planet, nestled at the top of all international rankings. Once up here, everyone simply expects you to be […]

What the Puck?

What the Puck?

How a new sport helped me find clarity in grad school

May 6, 2019 | Carly S.

In my first year of graduate school, I fell on my butt a lot. It’s as if I would forget about my feet. I would be gliding along smoothly, comfortably shifting from one skate to the other, but if a puck slid in my direction — and I had to get it! — my skates […]

A Minor Change for A Major Reward

A Minor Change for A Major Reward

How playing guitar made my grad school life more enjoyable

May 6, 2019 | Yong-Chul Y.

I should start a new hobby. I came to this conclusion when my answer to the question, “research + sleep = 24 hours?” was “yes, but not always”. Although finding downtime can be difficult, especially when you are taking courses, it is a necessary part of staying sane and healthy in graduate school. To get […]

The Simple Pleasures of Gardening

The Simple Pleasures of Gardening

Reaping actual fruits and vegetables while at MIT

April 22, 2019 | Mukund G.

There are few things in life as satisfying as eating home-grown food. Whether it is flavorful herbs, juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers or other delicious produce, it is simply delightful to consume freshly picked fruits and vegetables. This is especially true after the endless supply of greasy pizzas one inevitably ingests as a grad student. Moreover, […]



Feeling at MIT

April 22, 2019 | Alyssa R.

My dead dad emailed me today. I was sitting in a shared office along with a postdoc when I saw my dad’s name pop into my inbox. My breath caught in my throat. Is this a message from beyond? A beat passed. I clicked. I was sure the note was written by my dad. Alyssa, […]