From “Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything” to PhD life
My endless enchantment with Boston and Cambridge
Although this is my first year in the Boston/Cambridge area as a PhD student, I actually moved here back in 2021, when the pandemic was still in full swing. I reasoned that even if I didn’t get into MIT, I would like to fulfill a childhood dream of living here that I’ve had since about […]
Summer from the Sloan Building
A few of my personal time-efficient outings that helped me enjoy my summer (without losing my mind) during my summer course at MIT Sloan
As you walk from Boston to the MIT Dome, you will encounter the famous bridge measured in smoots. At 182.2 smoots ± 1 ear, you will see “HALFWAY TO HELL” written on the concrete. As I read this phrase, I thought to myself that it must be vandalism. Only after the summer term did it […]
The beauty of Boston’s bánh mìs
The magic behind these fantastic sandwiches–and where to find them
There’s no sandwich more beautiful than the humble bánh mì. Part of its beauty lies in the sandwich’s symphony of flavors and textures: savory, sour, sweet, spicy, umami, crunchy, soft, and tender, all at the same time. But another part comes from what the sandwich represents. Between the baguette buns hides a rich history and […]
Anything but not everything
Managing opportunity overload at MIT
Infinite Corridor, finite student To walk down the Infinite Corridor at MIT is to be inundated with posters for student organizations and events. In December, flyers advertising IAP activities on just one of the bulletin boards included invitations to “learn Quechua in three weeks,” “study in Japan with MISTI,” and “weld your own bike!” I […]
Touch grass? More like touch clay.
Practicing failure at MIT Arts Studio's pottery classes
First discovered as an undergraduate student The first time I heard about the MIT Arts Studio was when I was an undergraduate student at MIT and saw an email sent out by a recent alumna to her former dorm Next House (which is right next to Tang): “Hey guys, sign ups for the fall classes […]