Overheard at MIT
Interesting anecdotes from walking around campus
What if you could be a fly on the wall in the place where some of the most important things were invented?
Arriving to MIT Sloan as an MBA student, I was determined to be involved as much as I could in the MIT ecosystem and the Boston entrepreneurship scene. This enabled me to hear some magnificent, creative, and just funny stuff.
MIT Sloan is an 18-minute walk from my on-campus residence. During that time, I walk through the Infinite Corridor[1], the longest hallway on campus that cuts through the main building, and I am always excited about the conversations that I usually overhear…
- “How much radiation is too much radiation?”
- A tour guide telling his group: “MIT is like a marathon – even though you should know that we don’t give sports scholarships.”
- At MIT’s Starbucks: “I could add a sign with all the sub ingredients and their effects, could be fun!”
Also, being a fellow in the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund Program, I have heard some interesting quotes from inspired entrepreneurs’ students across MIT:
- “I am done with Drones. I am just going to Elon Musk[2] it, and develop a consumer facing app that everyone would use, make a ton of money and then, do something important!”
- “I was asked in the interview what would I choose, being a McKinsey senior partner or the CEO of Facebook. To that I have answered, ‘I’ll found my own damn Facebook’”
And finally, in one of my first lectures, a slide had bullet points numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, to which the Professor commented:
- “I see that we are still getting Harvard Students to build our slides” (ouch)
These are just some of the things I have heard during my first semester at Sloan.
I feel so lucky to be a student at a university where so many cool things are happening, and hope to hear your quote the next time I am passing by you around MIT!
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