Thesis research in absentia

Thesis research is ordinarily done in residence at the Institute. However, on some occasions and in some fields, work such as the gathering of data away from the Institute may be essential or desirable. While nonresident thesis research status applies only to doctoral candidates, thesis research in absentia may pursued by either master or doctoral candidates. The link to apply is at the bottom of this page.

Students interested in conducting research in absentia should consult with the thesis advisor, departmental graduate administrator, and the departmental graduate officer to establish that there are compelling educational reasons.

In most cases, a student in thesis research in absentia status may hold a research assistant appointment. If a student’s project is supported with sponsored funds and the field work was not initially envisioned as part of the project, the sponsor may need to provide approval.  The student’s PI/research advisor should work with their Department/Lab/Center (DLC) administrator and the Research Administration Services (RAS) contract administrator to determine if approval is needed.

In consultation with the OGE, departments may establish certain programs and/or locations as exempt from the individual approval procedures noted above.

The Thesis in Absentia Form should be signed by the thesis advisor and graduate administrator and transmitted, along with an abstract of the thesis proposal, to the Office of Graduate Education for approval. Such approval must be requested before leaving the Institute, with ample time for full consideration by the department and the Office of Graduate Education.

Students must register and pay full tuition while pursuing thesis research in absentia. In unusual circumstances, the OGE may set a special tuition rate for such students. There are no restrictions on fellowships while on thesis research in absentia.

The following requirements must also be met:

  • The opportunity for the continuing intellectual growth of the student must be clearly evident.
  • The thesis must continue to be supervised by an Institute faculty member, or by a senior staff member approved by the department.
  • A doctoral student must normally have completed the general examination requirement for the degree, and devote full time to thesis research in absentia.


International students who plan on being off-campus, but remain in the U.S., and participate in any research activity during the Thesis Research in Absentia period, MUST contact their ISO Advisor in advance to verify and secure any necessary U.S. employment authorization required to participate in any activity off-campus. 

International students also planning to travel abroad during the Thesis Research in Absentia period should also be in contact with their ISO Advisor  in advance to verify any visa limitations on time abroad and necessary documents required to return to the U.S.  

Apply for Thesis in Absentia status