Joint theses

Each thesis should contain the original contributions of a single student. In certain circumstances, collaborative research leading to a joint thesis may be advantageous in a master’s degree program.

Students who wish to embark on a joint master’s thesis project should consult first with their individual advisors, and also with the graduate officer or the chair of the graduate committee of the department in which they are registered.

A proposal should be drafted that includes:

  • One paragraph describing the unique contributions of student A to the thesis project
  • One paragraph describing the unique contributions of student B to the thesis project
  • One paragraph describing the joint contributions of both students

This proposal should be attached to a single graduate student petition form listing both students’ names and signed by their advisors. This petition should then be submitted to the graduate officer of the department of registration for approval and transmission to the Office of Graduate Education. The Dean will formally approve the joint thesis proposal and notify the Office of the Registrar.

When the thesis is complete, it must be submitted to the students’ department of registration for acceptance. It is expected that each individual submitting a joint thesis will receive a single degree.

 Submit a Joint Thesis Petition.