Zeineb Mezghanni

MIT Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Lina Necib
Research Supervisor: Xiuyuan Zhang and Abd El Aziz Hussein
Undergraduate Institution: Grinnell College
Hometown: Tunis, Tunisia
Website: LinkedIn
Zeineb is a rising third-year student at Grinnell College majoring in physics and mathematics. She is interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in astrophysics to advance the search for dark matter. She conducted research at the University of Iowa in 2022, exploring quantum field theory using quantum computers and developing labs for Amazon Web Services. In 2023, she worked at MIT, where she focused on simulating galaxy mergers to investigate stellar streams and dark matter halos. Beyond physics, Zeineb contributed to research on infectious diseases. She conducted wildlife DNA sequencing in Kruger National Park, South Africa, and Volcano National Park, Hawaii. Zeineb is also a member of the Student Educational Policy Committee and Student Council on Curriculum at Grinnell College and likes playing guitar and swimming.