Xinyue Wu

MIT Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Jessie Thaler
Research Supervisor: Rikab Gambhir
Undergraduate Institution: University of Rochester
Hometown: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Website: LinkedIn
Xinyue (Stella) Wu is a passionate rising senior studying physics and mathematics at the University of Rochester. Driven by her eagerness to understand the universe’s fundamental building blocks, she possesses a strong research interest in particle physics. After working on an effective field theory project in the CMS experiment during her sophomore summer, she developed a particular interest in physics beyond the Standard Model. Currently, she is an MIT intern focusing on measuring the size of jets at the Large Hadron Collider. Her future goal is to continue pursuing particle physics in graduate studies at the intersection of theory and experiment. In her free time, she enjoys organizing outreach events to engage children and families in the Rochester community with the wonders of physics. As a woman in physics, she is determined to continue breaking barriers and contribute to the diversity of the physics community.