Ryan Hoffman

MIT Department: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Timothy Swager
Research Supervisor: Michelle Chen and Harrison Bergman
Undergraduate Institution: University of Maryland
Hometown: Fulton, Maryland, Howard County
Website: LinkedIn
Ryan Hoffman is a rising senior Meyerhoff and U-RISE scholar at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), pursuing a B.S. in chemistry. Motivated by watching his grandfather’s health struggles, he has always been interested in science and using it to make the world a better place. From S.T.E.M club in middle school to AP chemistry in high school and chemical research in college, Ryan is focused on pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry, where he can use chemistry to elucidate and improve our understanding of biological and medical systems. In the Swager group at MIT, he works on biosensors and develops methods to detect DNA effectively. Previously, Ryan studied gold nanoparticles to create a cheaper and more accurate way to see lead in drinking water at UMBC. Outside of research, Ryan likes to play basketball, ride his bike, and hang out with friends.