Omar Ali

MIT Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Paola Cappellaro
Research Supervisor: Alexander Ungar
Undergraduate Institution: Case Western Reserve University
Hometown: Alexandria, Egypt
Website: LinkedIn
Born and raised on the shores of Alexandria in Egypt, Omar Ali is a senior student at Case Western Reserve University, pursuing Physics and Electrical Engineering. His interest in fundamental investigations of exotic quantum many-body phenomena, coupled with his diverse experiences in computational optics, RF engineering, and experimental condensed matter techniques, has led him to focus on the theory and experiment of quantum control. At MIT, he worked in the Quantum Engineering Group under the supervision of Dr. Paola Cappellaro. There, he designed, simulated, and fabricated a double-channel coplanar waveguide with a tunable magnetic gradient. This integrated structure allows for the individual control of both the nuclear and electronic spins of single Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) defects in diamonds, enabling novel possibilities in quantum sensing and computation. In the long term, he is dedicated to contributing to the establishment of a reputable and strong scientific enterprise in Egypt.
Individual control of the electronic and nuclear spins in Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defect center in diamonds
Omar Ali1, Alexander Ungar2, Paola Cappellaro2
1Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University
2Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Coherent and efficient manipulation of both the electronic and nuclear spin in Nitrogen Vacancy centers in diamond through the application of resonant microwave (MW) and radiofrequency (RF) fields is essential for quantum information processing applications in this system. The ability to simultaneously manipulate both of the electronic and nuclear spin degrees of freedom, which are coupled via the hyperfine interaction, selectively over many single NV-centers opens novel possibilities for applications in quantum sensing and simulation. For this end, an integrated 4-channel coplanar waveguide (CPW) for efficiently delivering both RF and MW fields, and inducing a strong magnetic field gradient, was designed and fabricated. The spatial profile of the electromagnetic waves, gradient strength and transmission efficiency are simulated using electromagnetic finite-element-method simulations. Experimental validation is conducted via using a Vector Network Analyzer and integration into an optically-detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) setup. Additionally, the angular dependence of the hyperfine enhancement, an increase in the Rabi frequency of the nuclear spin due to coupling with the electronic spin via the hyperfine interaction, is investigated analytically via second-order perturbation theory, and is compared with experimental data, allowing for a characterization of the hyperfine interaction.