Olaoluwayimika Olugbenle

MIT Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Negar Reiskarimian and Kevin Chen
Research Supervisor:
Undergraduate Institution: Clarkson University
Hometown: Lagos State, Nigeria
Website: LinkedIn
Growing up in Lagos, one of Africa’s most populous cities, Olaolu developed the ability to collaborate with others to develop solutions to issues faced by the members of his community. One such example was a system to produce voltage from the heat of generator exhausts. Subsequently, he was selected as part of the inaugural cohort of Rise Global Winners – a Schmidt Futures and The Rhodes Trust initiative to identify and support young talent globally. Today, he enjoys performing research, and his interests lie in electronics. Olaolu is looking for opportunities to explore the theory, design, simulation, fabrication, and implementation of these electronic systems for various applications such as IoT or power systems, especially in the developing world. Furthermore, he has experience working with microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and SPICE simulation tools, making him a reliable team member for embedded projects.