Oasis Aguayo

MIT Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Carlos Portela
Research Supervisor: Samuel Figueroa
Undergraduate Institution: Wellesley College
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Website: LinkedIn
Oasis Aguayo is a rising senior Physics major and Computer Science minor at Wellesley College, additionally pursuing an engineering certificate at Olin College of Engineering. She is co-president of Wellesley’s Society of Physics Students and a physics HHMI intern. These two roles allow them to actively work to foster community and diversity in Wellesley’s physics and engineering communities. Her interests lie in mechanical and aerospace engineering, specializing in research that addresses sustainability and social justice problems. At Wellesley, she has conducted research in optical physics and instrumentation work in the astronomy department. At MSRP, Oasis is helping design, fabricate, and test granular lattice structures alongside the granular metamaterials team in the Portela lab. She aspires to receive an engineering PhD and continue working to foster community and diversity in STEM throughout their career. Oasis likes to read, play soccer, and CAD random projects in their free time.