Nathaniel Glover

MIT Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Cem Tasan
Research Supervisor: Kyung-Shik Kim
Undergraduate Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Hometown: Maryland
Website: LinkedIn
Nathaniel Glover is a junior Chemical Engineering student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He strives to earn a PhD in Materials Engineering to infuse his passion for research and engineering into his career. Nathaniel worked towards his educational goals by participating in research programs at UW-Madison, where he developed a prototype for inexpensive single-molecule imaging, and MIT, where he sought to create a steel resistant to hydrogen embrittlement. Also, at UMBC, Nathaniel works to produce electrolytes for rechargeable zinc-magnesium batteries. These experiences developed Nathaniel as an engineer, providing skills in experimental design, data analysis, and research presentation. Nathaniel has served in multiple leadership positions, such as the vice president of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Maryland Delta Chapter and the treasurer of Meyerhoff Student Council, where he worked with peers to enrich their community.