Manuel Cortes

MIT Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Guangyu Yang
Research Supervisor:
Undergraduate Institution: University of Florida
Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela
Website: LinkedIn
Hello! I’m Manuel, a fourth-year Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering student at the University of Florida. The intersection of medicine and computer science is my main area of interest, with a desire to further expand the medical field through integration with growing software technology. Particular areas of interest to me include novel approaches to disease diagnosis from the context of medical imaging, genomics, and immunology. My research interests began in the wet-lab setting, but have recently evolved to be in the intersection between computation and biomedical space. I am interested in exploring the capability of data driven biology, as well as how modeling and artificial intelligence may lead to more informed biological experimentation, such as predicting the possible viability of small molecule therapeutics, medical diagnostics, or drug discovery. My educational goals are to pursue a PhD in the field of computational biology or biomedical informatics, particularly in areas related to the improvement of diagnostic tools through machine learning and predictive data analytics. I like to spend my free time reading, visiting and traveling with family, and training for triathlon races. A goal of mine is to earn a sport in the Boston Marathon!