Madison Carter

MIT Department: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Carmen Guerra-Garcia
Research Supervisor: Lee Richard Strobel and Lanie McKinney
Undergraduate Institution: North Carolina A&T
Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
Website: LinkedIn
Madison V. Carter, an honors rising senior at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, studies Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Applied Mathematics. She plans to pursue an M.S./Ph.D., focusing on electric/hybrid propulsion systems for air and spacecrafts. Recognizing the environmental impact of aviation, she aims to make aerospace systems more sustainable. Madison conducts undergraduate research in NC A&T’s Hypersonic Research Lab, analyzing hypersonic inlets and isolators using CFD software. In Summer 2022, she completed an internship at UC Berkeley’s HiPeR Lab, working on methods to determine the MOI of UAVs. Currently interning in MIT’s AeroAstro department under Dr. Carmen Guerra-Garcia, she investigates wind effects on dielectric breakdowns for lightning mitigation through data modeling and flow analysis using a PIV system. Madison enjoys volunteering, mentoring, figure skating, dancing, and watching Sci-Fi movies in her free time.