Jon-Edward Stokes

MIT Department: Media, Arts and Sciences
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Danielle Woods
Research Supervisor: Yiyun Zhang
Undergraduate Institution: Howard University
Hometown: Chicago, ILlinois
Website: LinkedIn
Jon-Edward Stokes is a physics major and mathematics minor at Howard University whose interests lie in renewable energy, especially solar and fusion energies, sustainability, and ways to integrate these with quantum mechanical systems to help people. Throughout his college experience, he has had various research experiences that have allowed him to develop his skills with coding in Python and C/C++, modeling using CAD software, and using ROOT to analyze data. He has worked on various projects involving spectroscopy, accelerator physics, and battery science. Outside of school, he has done community service in various Parks in DC, in food pantries, and on service trips. Jon-Edward plans to get his Ph.D. studying materials and research ways to make current energy technologies better and more accessible to communities worldwide, especially in areas with the highest carbon footprint and/or where these technologies would be most efficiently used.