Isabela Ibrahim

MIT Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Darcy McRose
Research Supervisor: Emilly Schutt
Undergraduate Institution: Swarthmore College
Hometown: Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Website: LinkedIn
Isabela Ibrahim is an international student from Brazil pursuing a major in engineering with a double minor in environmental studies and applied mathematics at Swarthmore College. She works with Swarthmore’s Office of Sustainability to maintain zero-waste efforts and organizes campus-wide events. In the upcoming year, Isabela is excited to perform a feasibility study for an on-campus farm as a President’s Sustainability Research Fellow. Her primary academic interests consist of embedded systems and sustainable agriculture. Isabela aspires to attend graduate school in Civil and Environmental Engineering to research and develop technologies that help vulnerable populations achieve food security. She looks forward to expanding her biology background and developing substantial lab skills during her time at MSRP. In her spare time, Isabela enjoys listening to bossa nova, watching cooking videos, and playing Ultimate Frisbee.