Derick Flores Madrid

MIT Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Phillip Harris
Research Supervisor: Patrick McCormack
Undergraduate Institution: Indiana Wesleyan University
Hometown: La Esperanza, Intibuca, Honduras
Derick Flores is a rising senior at Indiana Wesleyan University. He majors in Physics with a minor in Computer Science. At IWU, Derick has researched under Dr. Warren Rogers with the MoNA collaboration on neutron-Carbon and neutron-Hydrogen scattering interactions. He analyzed the scattering events recorded in experiments done at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is currently working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under Dr. Philip Harris and Dr. Patrick McCormack on utilizing Normalizing Flows to improve background rejection rates from CMS data that might contain Beyond Standard Model particles. In the future, Derick hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Astrophysics. He is especially interested in accretion phenomena, black holes, and galactic evolution. He hopes that his work will inspire the young minds of his country to pursue careers in science. Derick’s work has built up his skills in data analysis, event simulation, and Deep Learning methods.