David Goba

MIT Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. David Darmofal
Research Supervisor:
Undergraduate Institution: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Website: LinkedIn
David Goba is entering his junior year studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Ever since he took a field trip to an airpark in elementary school, David has been fascinated by aviation. This passion, alongside his curiosity to understand how things work, led him to pursue engineering. Through programs like the Meyerhoff Scholars Program, David has found a community of like-minded individuals who encourage him to pursue his dreams. Last summer, David had the opportunity to create solutions to reduce the climate impact of the aviation industry with NASA. With this understanding, David would like to be at the forefront of engineering new technology to help aviation reach its goal of achieving net zero emissions. David will pursue a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering, shape the future of the aerospace industry, and encourage aspiring engineers of all backgrounds to pursue their dreams.