Dariana Troche Quinones

MIT Department: Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Steven Flavell
Research Supervisor: Ugur Dag
Undergraduate Institution: University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Hometown: Yauco, P.R.
Website: LinkedIn
Dariana Troche Quinoñes is a senior in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez (UPRM). Through her research experiences during her undergraduate career, she developed an interest in biomedical science and wants to pursue graduate studies in the engineering field. Despite her major curriculum, she has taken biology courses and is currently minoring in Computer Science. Her undergraduate research experiences at UPRM are in bio-related labs such as the Microfluidics Lab, Brain Interface Lab, and Domenech Lab. She expanded her knowledge by doing research internships at Hai Lab (UW Madison) and currently works at the Flavell Lab (MIT). She is an interdisciplinary gem passionate about science and aims to be an example to Puerto Rican students who want to follow a path in the scientific field. A passionate, goal-driven person with great collaborative skills is what makes Dariana’s value indispensable.