Cade Boggan

MIT Department: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Steven Barrett
Research Supervisor: Nicolas Gomez Vega, Arthur Brown, and Mihir Shevgaonkar
Undergraduate Institution: Howard University
Hometown: Takoma Park, Maryland
Website: LinkedIn
Cade Boggan is a senior at Howard University and a Karsh STEM Scholar, pursuing bachelor’s degrees in physics and mathematics. His career aspirations involve obtaining a PhD in Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering, specializing in sustainable aviation. His ultimate goal is to combine his passion for aircraft propulsion and strong scientific background to advance the field of clean air travel. During his previous summer internships, Cade conducted an experiment to track colloid movement in liquid crystals and designed a drying process for 3D-printed current collectors. Currently, Cade is involved in the MIT AeroAstro Lab for Aviation and the Environment, designing and constructing a thruster for an electroaerodynamic aircraft. At his home institution, Cade is engaged in research involving near-field refractors and battery nanomaterials. Cade serves on the executive board of the math club and physics society, fueling his desire to strengthen these communities at his university.