Autumn Green

MIT Department: Political Science
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Ariel White
Research Supervisor: Jasmine Englsih
Undergraduate Institution: Hollins University
Hometown: Roanoke, VA
Autumn is a senior English major at Hollins University studying the impacts of personal history and litigatory strategy on civil rights outcomes. Funded by the National Science Foundation and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Autumn has dedicated her non-academic months to uncovering broad questions related to civil rights, including scholarship regarding the Fourteenth Amendment, Habeas Corpus, and employment discrimination. At MIT, Autumn is analyzing the test-case strategies of Thurgood Marshall, their histories in abolition, and their modern applications in abolitionist feminisms, and Autumn strives to apply feminist scholarship to on-the-ground advocacy. Serving on multiple social justice committees at Hollins University, Autumn believes that personhood should be foremost in law. She seeks to emphasize this by working with seldom-analyzed, often overlooked case-law and emphasizing the role of plaintiffs and their attorneys in shaping the greater American jurisprudence.