Hanson Nguyen

MIT Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Karl Berggren
Research Supervisor: Alejandro Simon
Undergraduate Institution:Arizona State University
Hometown: Chandler, Arizona
Website: LinkedIn
Hanson Nguyen is a rising third-year student at Arizona State University, majoring in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. Driven by a deep curiosity in quantum physics, he aims to discover new platforms for electronic devices that utilize quantum mechanical phenomena and condensed matter physics.In his previous research, Hanson has worked on fabricating and characterizing all-inorganic perovskite solar cells, applying Bayesian inference methods for quantum state tomography of multiqubit systems, and modeling and characterizing superconducting nanowires single photon detectors. He also serves as a mentor for a Research Experience for Teachers program, where he developed educational resources on electronics and solar materials for teachers, aiming to enhance science accessibility. Hanson plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, focusing on advancing electronic devices for applications in quantum sensing, quantum computing, and cutting-edge information systems. Outside the lab, Hanson enjoys listening to music, skateboarding, and reading comics.
Electrothermal Model of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors
Hanson Nguyen1, Alejandro Simon2, and Karl K. Berggren2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University
2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) have achieved record low jitter times, ultra-low dark count rates, and the highest single-photon detection efficiencies. These devices operate through a photo-induced suppression of superconductivity. Absorption of a photon in the superconducting film leads to the generation and growth of a hotspot, switching the nanowire from a superconducting state to a normal state and resulting in a voltage spike in the readout electronics.
Accurately modeling SNSPDs is important for a span of applications. However, current electrothermal physical models of SNSPDs are slow and insufficient for simulating devices. To this end, Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) models of SNSPDs allow for more rapid and accurate simulations of SNSPDs.
Our work further improves the SPICE SNSPD model by implementing a phenomenological 0-D thermal circuit to model the thermal physics of the superconducting nanowire. The original model relied on a static thermal response, which fails to capture all experimental effects. Using the Ginzburg-Landau expression for temperature-dependent switching current and noise models, we observe the after-pulsing effect, latching, and accurate timing properties in simulation that reflect experimental results. The model demonstrates behavior that can be used for understanding and developing electronic architectures for SNSPD circuits.