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OGE Fellowships

Generous donors have provided MIT with permanent funds in support of fellowships, many of which have unique restrictions.

The Office of Graduate Education administers a number of these endowed fellowships through an annual competition in March. All nominations (both for new awards and for renewal requests) must be submitted by the departmental graduate office on behalf of the student.

Students who qualify for one of the fellowships should contact their graduate administrator in order to be considered for nomination.

The following symbols are used in the fellowship descriptions:

US Citizens Eligible

U.S. citizens are eligible

Permanent residents are eligible

Internationals are eligible

OGE fellowships: Call for Nominations Now Open!

Nominations for the following fellowships will re-open in January 2025. Departments will have their own internal deadlines in order to satisfy the OGE deadline in March. Awards will be decided by late March, with the exception of the Hugh Hampton Young Memorial Fund Fellowship. Finalists for the Hugh Hampton Young will be chosen by mid-late April; those finalists will then be interviewed, with final awards to be decided in early May.

The department, as the nominator, will be notified first of all decisions by April 1. Students will receive confirmation of any award via letter; they may contact their department for updates.

Fellowships take effect the following September, except for those offering summer support. Students who are chosen for fellowship renewal should please note that any stipend increases take effect in September.

How to nominate or renew (click to open)

With the exception of the Ida M. Green Fellowship and the Endowed Fellowships of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the OGE accepts only one nomination per department for each award. Graduate administrators may contact the OGE Fellowships staff for a link to the nomination form or with questions about submitting nominations to the Office of Graduate Education.

Renewal candidates will be considered alongside new candidates for funding requests. Please note If the department chooses to nominate a current fellow for renewal of a fellowship, then it may not also nominate a new student.

Although these fellowships value strong academic and research prowess, the OGE is also very interested in each applicant’s community involvement at MIT (or prior institutions if an entering student). Please note the addition of an essay below asking students to elaborate on their community involvement (except for the Ida M. Green Fellowship).

Nomination packets include the following for each new candidate:

  1. A curriculum vitae (CV)
  2. A transcript (for currently enrolled students, unofficial transcript or grade report is fine)
  3. A brief (1-2 page) research summary written for a general audience from the student, or, for first-year students, a copy of the nominee’s “statement of objectives” from their application for admission
  4. A brief (1-2 page) summary of current or past community involvement. The OGE highly values positive impact on the MIT community. Please explain past or current community involvement on MIT’s campus (or prior campuses if you are an incoming student) and how you feel this involvement has benefited the community (except for the Ida M. Green Fellowship)
  5. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from MIT faculty (for currently enrolled students) or from the applicant’s admissions folder (if entering)

Requests for a renewal should include the following:

  1. An updated CV
  2. A current unofficial transcript or grade report
  3. A brief (1-2 pages) update on progress and how the fellowship has benefited you in the prior year
  4. A renewal request from the student’s advisor, indicating that the student is in good standing, a brief description of progress, and anticipated date of degree

A complete listing of these competitive fellowships follows. Please note that fellowship stipend amounts for 2025-2026 may change once departmental stipend rates have been set for FY2026.

Last updated January 2025

  • View by Eligibility

  • View by Fellowship

Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Unrestricted.
Amount: Standard tuition, standard health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


  1. First preference for Graduate Students who are citizens and current residents of Argentina, or Armenia
  2. Second preference for Graduate Students who are citizens and current residents of Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, or Italy

Internationals are eligible

Don Loomis Galusha (1904) Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: TBD.
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, standard health insurance, and student life fee
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable

Please note this fellowship has no stipend coverage.


The preference for this award is as follows:

  1. Students from Jericho, Vermont
  2. Students from Vermont

Permanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 3 (2 Doctoral, 1 Masters)
Field: Unrestricted for students pursuing degrees in the School of Engineering, School of Science, SA&P, SHASS, and the College of Computing.
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, and standard stipend
Tenure: Twelve months, renewable


Support the education of exceptional incoming graduate students who are citizens or permanent residents of Hong Kong (“from Hong Kong”).


This scholarship supports students who are enrolling in a master's or doctoral degree program. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Graduate Scholars ("JC Scholars") exhibit the qualities of intellect, strength of character, leadership, and commitment to service.

Recipients of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship will also be invited by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to join a network of fellows, including participating in events that they host. Scholarship funding is not linked to participation, however, recipients are encouraged to consider these links as potential benefits in their future academic and professional careers.

Incoming PhD candidates receive three years of support, while incoming masters students receive two years of support. Supporting includes tuition and fees as well as a stipend for each academic year.

Internationals are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Harvey P. Greenspan Fellowship Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Fluid Dynamics
Amount: $15,000 tuition award
Tenure: One semester (fall or spring), not renewable


The award is intended for graduate students studying fluid dynamics.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Raj V. Tahil (1981) Fellowship Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Environmental sustainability
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Preference in awarding the fellowships shall be given to graduate students performing research on improving the environment through scientific, engineering or public policy solutions.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Jack Tang Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Environmental sustainability
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


First preference for a graduate student working on problems of environmental sustainability in rural China. Second preference for a graduate student working on problems of environmental sustainability anywhere in China.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

TVML Fellowship Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Life Science or Engineering
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Preference in awarding the fellowship shall be given first to students from Insper or the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in Brazil, second to other students from Brazil and third to students from Israel.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Surpina and Panos Eurnekian Biotechnology Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Biotechnology and bioengineering
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: One semester (fall or spring), not renewable


Students pursuing research in biotechnology and bioengineering fields, with first preference for graduate students from Argentina or Armenia and second to graduate students from Latin America

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Surpina and Panos Eurnekian Nanotechnology Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: Not offered for AY25-26.
Field: Semi-conductors and nanotechnologies
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


For students pursuing research in semi-conductors and nanotechnologies, with first preference for graduate students from Argentina and second to graduate students from Latin America.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Louis B. Seigle Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: Not offered for AY25-26.
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


For a graduate student pursuing entrepreneurial activities, or one who has proposed such activities; must be a Texas citizen. First priority given to citizens of the Houston, Texas area with a second priority available to other Texans.

Permanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Angela Leong Fellowship Fund 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 2
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Preference will be given in the following sequence:

  1. Students from Macau
  2. Students from Hong Kong
  3. Students from Mainland China

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Mexico Fund for Graduate Students Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 2
Field: See eligibility requirements below
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, possibility of renewal


Preference will be given in the following sequence:

  1. Mexican citizens who are PhD candidates in the Department of Economics
  2. Mexican citizens who are Masters candidates in the Department of Economics
  3. Mexican citizens who are PhD candidate outside the Department of Economics
  4. Mexican citizens who are Masters candidates outside the Department of Economics and the Sloan School of Management
  5. Mexican citizens who are Masters candidates in the Sloan School of Management
  6. Graduate students who are citizens of other Latin American countries

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Zakhartchenko Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: See Eligibility
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Graduate students with preference to those interested in or performing research in one of the following areas:

  1. Time as a basic energy of the universe;
  2. Unconventional aircraft, flight theories and transportation methods;
  3. Hypersonic flight.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Whitaker Health Sciences Fund Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 3
Field: Life Sciences or Bioengineering
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Twelve months, possibility of renewal for a second year


A doctoral student in the life sciences or bioengineering, devoting more than 50 percent time to thesis research.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

George and Marie Vergottis Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 2
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Any graduate student who is a Greek citizen.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Luis Francisco Verges Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: Not offered for AY25-26.
Field: Research related to the sugar industry
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Any graduate student conducting work in the field of the sugar industry

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Chyn Duoq Shiah Memorial Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Chemical Engineering
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Graduate students studying chemical engineering who demonstrate financial need and scholastic achievement, with a preference for candidates from Qing Hua University and/or Tsing-Hua University.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Fundacion Mario Santo Domingo Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: School of Science, School of Engineering, or School of Architecture and Planning
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months with possibility of renewal


Support for graduate students from Colombia in the Schools of Science, Engineering or Architecture and Planning with a preference for entering first year students with financial need.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

Henry C. (1926) and Frances Keany Rickard Fund Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Life sciences*
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: One semester (Fall or Spring), not renewable


For a graduate student in the life sciences, or for a student in any field who received undergraduate scholarship assistance from the Edward M. Rickard Fund at MIT. Additionally, preference will be given to graduates of the Haverhill High School of Haverhill, MA; however, this is not a requirement for eligibility.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Donald O’Brien Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 6
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, possibility of renewal for second year


A graduate student who is a graduate of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of New Hampshire.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

John A. Lyons Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Preference is given to students that fit one or more of the following criteria: 1. The student is a recent graduate of Boston College; 2. The student was born in a city or town all or part of which is within a twenty-mile radius of the State House in Boston, Massachusetts.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Wellington and Irene Loh Fund Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Support for graduate students who are residents or citizens of mainland China or Taiwan.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

T.S. Lin Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 4
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


For students who identify themselves as from Tatung University.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligible

John S. Hennessy Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Environmental studies
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: One semester (fall or spring), not renewable


Any graduate student pursuing environmental studies

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Ida M. Green Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 12 Full, 4 Summer
Each department may nominate one MIT undergraduate senior woman who will be entering a graduate program at MIT (for a 9-month fellowship), one non-MIT woman entering a graduate program (for a 9-month fellowship), and one MIT senior OR non-MIT woman for 3 months of first-year summer stipend support.
*** Each department may nominate 1 student in each of these 3 categories.
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and a premium stipend, OR 3 months of summer stipend support at departmental rate
Tenure: Nine months OR Three months, not renewable


This fund will be awarded to incoming graduate students with a preference for women students.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Endowed Fellowships of the Arab Republic of Egypt 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 25
There is no limit upon the number of nominees for this fellowship per department.
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Full tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and a premium stipend
Tenure: Nine months, possibility of renewal, possibility of summer stipend support
Additional materials: In addition to the usual nomination materials, nominations for this fellowship must include: student statement of interest in working for the betterment of the people of Egypt after graduation

Note: Students will be expected to return to Egypt within two years of graduation to begin working, except in the case of a masters’ student pursuing a higher degree at MIT. The OGE will share any nominations with the Ministry of Finance of the Arab Republic of Egypt so that nominees can receive the Ministry’s recommendation. As part of this process, the Ministry may contact students directly about their work plans after graduation. See the Ministry of Finance (Arab Republic of Egypt) web site for the Ministry’s criteria in providing its recommendations.


For citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt with demonstrated excellence in their chosen field, with engineering and economics preferred, and then the sciences. Nominees must have a commitment to public service and the advancement of Egyptian society, and have a stated interest in working for the betterment of the people of Egypt after graduation.

Internationals are eligible

Collamore-Rogers Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Women graduate students

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

Eli and Dorothy Berman Fund Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 1
Field: Unrestricted
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


First preference is given to Israeli graduate students, graduates of the Technion in Israel or students doing research with MIT profressors affiliated with Technion.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible

William Asbjornsen Albert Memorial Fellowship 2025-2026

Number of Awards: 2
Field: Science and Engineering
Amount: Standard tuition, student health insurance, student life fee, and standard stipend
Tenure: Nine months, not renewable


Any graduate student conducting research in any phase of modern science and engineering.

Internationals are eligiblePermanent residents are eligibleU.S. citizens are eligible